Since being elected in 2018, I have been proud to be part of a government that gets things done, from making sure our kids get the education they deserve, to building historic infrastructure projects. Below is a list of things we have achieved for the community, and funding we have announced in this time:

  • $123,192 from the Inclusive Kindergarten Facilities Fund has been provided to Home Road Kindergarten to provide a more inclusive environment for children with disabilities or additional needs. This includes new playground equipment, a new mud kitchen, dirt digging path, vertical planters and musical planters.
  • Newport Gardens Primary School will be more inclusive for local students and families, with $200,000 from the Inclusive Schools Fund going to an outdoor sensory area.
  • The Children’s Facilities Capital Program has seen $2,680 in minor IT grants go to Altona Gate Kindergarten and Gowrie Victoria Early Learning Centre.
  • Williamstown Community & Education Centre and Yarraville Community Centre have benefited from $74, 500 in Learn Local grants to fund adult education programs that assist members of the community to enter the workforce.
  • $1.2 million to upgrade Williamstown High School’s Year 12 study centre and complete the school’s theatre complex.
  • $195,347 in School Readiness Funding in Williamstown for new programs, supports and extra staffing across 21 kindergartens ─ helping them provide world-class early education and give children the best start in life.
  • $230.4 million to extend the single biggest boost to individual learning support in the state’s history – allowing Victorian schools to retain the tutors that supported students throughout 2021, with at least one tutor in all government schools. This will make sure that not one school student in Williamstown is left behind in the wake of the pandemic, with the state’s successful tutor program to continue until the end of 2022.
  • $10.2 million investment in Wembley Primary School to upgrade and modernise the school’s main building as part of the Victorian 2021/22 Budget. Not only will this give our students new classrooms and learning spaces, it’ll create good jobs for Victorians.
  • The Allan Labor Government is rolling out three-year-old kinder for every Victorian child. Every child in Williamstown will have access to at least five hours of funded kinder per week, increasing to 15 hours by 2029. Families will save $1150 on average, while an extra 6,000 roles for qualified early childhood teachers and educators will also be created.
  • $600,000 Building Blocks capacity grant for One Tree Altona North Children’s Centre.
  • Yarraville Special Development School will receive up to $75,000 per year over the next four years for their new outside school hours care service. The funding will help establish new services, and provide support for costs including resources or equipment, setup and administration, facility upgrades, small service viability and transport
  • $6.7 million upgrade for Bayside P-12 College to modernise the school including the Maths and Science Blocks. This investment builds on the $1.18 billion as part of the Building Works Package which is creating space for more than 21,000 extra students in Victoria’s education system and creating around 1,600 local construction jobs.
  • Completion of the brand-new Footscray High School’s $29.2 million Pilgrim Campus in Seddon, providing a second campus for the school’s junior years program from Term 1, 2021. It joins the Barkly Campus (Years 7-9) and the Kinnear Campus (Years 10-12) as the secondary school’s third site.
  • $5.47 million upgrade for Yarraville Special Developmental School, supporting students and the wider community as part of Victorian Budget 2020/21. Making sure students have the classrooms, libraries and learning spaces they deserve.
  • In 2022 as a part of the Building Blocks Program, $2.1 million was allocated to a new modular kindergarten in Altona North, fully funded by the state government to improve and provide more spaced for early learning.
  • $10 million of the Safer Faith-Based Schools Grant has gone towards security costs to support the safety and wellbeing of Islamic independent schools in Altona north, such as the Australian Islamic Centre College Primary, to ensure the safety of our children.
  • St Mary’s Primary School received $2.4 million for six new learning areas at its Altona campus and St. Margaret Mary’s Primary School gained $3.6 million for new learning and outdoor spaces at its Spotswood campus. These grants come from the Building Fund for Non-Government Schools. The Allan Labour Government committed $450 million in the 2023-24 State Budget to build and upgrade low-fee Catholic and independent schools across the state, providing upgraded learning spaces and accommodation.

  • The $10 million West Gate Neighbourhood Fund has been established to fund innovative projects that connect people in the community and improve local neighbourhoods.
  • $650,000 worth of works recently commenced on Gem Pier. These preservation works will see the replacement and repair of piles beneath the Pier as part of the Better Recreational Facilities Initiative.
  • The historic Point Gellibrand Seawall in Williamstown will be repaired or fully reconstructed as part of the Victorian Government’s $21 million Urban Parks Active Wellbeing program, making the structure safe and functional for years to come.
  • Essential road and rail works including the removal of Williamstown’s busy Ferguson Street level crossing. Up to 50,000 cubic metres of rock will now be excavated to lower the rail line under the road – removing this dangerous and congested level crossing for good.
  • Opening of the new accessible pedestrian bridge to the public as part of the West Gate Tunnel project, making Spotswood and Yarraville safer and better connected. This new pedestrian overpass crosses the West Gate Freeway – giving communities in the west better access to services like schools and retail on either side of the freeway.
  • Building more than 12,000 new homes as part of the biggest investment in public and community housing in Australia in the 2020/21 state budget. Making sure thousands of Victorians have a place to call home, and thousands more Victorians have a job. The City of Maribyrnong is a priority area for investment, with procurement starting straight away to build new homes.
  • As a part of the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund, $500,000 was allocated to the Williamstown and Newport Anglers Club and Fish Protection Society in 2023 for the refurbishment of the Williamstown Jetty Beach Project. With new seating, walkways and infrastructure, the jetty has been improved for use by both clubs, boaters and the local community.
  • With a $150,000 grant from the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund, the Williamstown Morgue will be refurbished and opened as a tourism destination as Melbourne’s oldest morgue.
  • $130,000 was granted to the Newport RSL to support the installation of a commercial kitchen. A part of the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund, the grant will improve facilities for local community members.
  • Community Shade grants program, $15,223 in funding for shade and sun protection has been provided to several local sporting clubs and community groups as part of the Community Shade grants program.
  • As part of the School Shade Grants Program, $570 will go to shade and sun protection for Williamstown North Primary School.
  • The very successful pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Australian Islamic Centre in Newport, with translators and medical staff from the community providing support in Arabic, making getting vaccinated even easier for residents in Melbourne’s inner. The tailored and culturally appropriate approach to vaccinations aimed to reduce barriers by offering vaccinations in a familiar setting amongst trusted members of the community. The clinic was established by the Muslim community of Melbourne in partnership with the Victorian Government.
  • $40,000 for Hobsons Bay to continue to connect isolated Victorians to a range of supports to reduce loneliness and social isolation and encourage people to re-engage with their local communities.
  • Williamstown Hospital received $90,000 to upgrade their medical equipment from the 2021-22 Medical Equipment High Value Statewide Replacement Fund Project/deliverables.
  • The more than $1.5 billion new Footscray Hospital is one of the state’s largest ever health infrastructure projects. Located on the corner of Geelong and Ballarat Roads, the new Footscray Hospital will support the increasing demand from Melbourne’s booming western suburbs, ensuring families can get the care they need close to home. Building a bigger and better Footscray Hospital will cut wait times and reduce pressure on nearby hospitals. With an increase of nearly 200 beds, the new hospital will treat approximately 15,000 additional patients and enable around 20,000 additional people to be seen by the emergency department each year. Construction of the new Footscray Hospital is underway and on track to be completed in late 2025.

  • $53,592 in funding from the Growing Victoria’s botanic Gardens Grants Program will support the rejuvenation of the iconic Williamstown Botanic Gardens.
  • The Allan Labor Government is continuing to invest in the west with an unprecedented $5 million to plant half a million trees in Melbourne’s western suburbs including Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay
  • From 2025 all new buses will be zero emission, with the first route with the first Victorian built, fully electric bus travelling right here in this electorate
  • $500,000 for greening Brooklyn’s Pipeline Reserve and $346,000 to upgrade GJ Hosken Reserve and deliver a magnificent regional park.
  • The West Gate Tunnel Project also has significant investment in unprecedented tree planting in addition to $5 million to an open space enhancement package in Hobsons Bay.
  • Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay City Councils have each been granted $300,000 in funding to support improvements of Cruickshank Park in Yarraville and MacLean Reserve in Williamstown, and to give locals more reason to get outdoors. This funding will greatly benefit the communities of Yarraville and Williamstown by encouraging us to make the most of our parks.
  • Inner west air quality has been put on the agenda with wide ranging policy initiatives in our transport, planning and freight sectors.
  • As a part of the Allan Labour Government $12.9 million Suburban Revitalisation Project, $5.8 million was allocated to the Altona Foreshore Revitalisation Project. With the funds we were able to make improvements to marquee Pier Street. We delivered a new main beach entry, promenade, shared bike and walking trails, a raised seawall, two beach access ramps, and new viewing and rest spots.
  • With funding of $1.5 million from the Renewable Hydrogen Grants in 2022, Air Liquide Australia Solutions Pty Ltd was able to start the development of the Altona Renewable Hydrogen Plant, bringing our community a step closer towards greener energy.
  • Receiving $250,000 in the State Budget, the Patch in the Park group was able to design, build, and open the new Brooklyn Community Gardens.
  • VicArts Grants totalling $34,900 will fund a range of projects by local artists and organisations, including short stories, sculptures and script development.
  • $35,000 in Creative Learning Partnerships funding for Altona North Primary School.
  • In 2022 the Victorian Festivals Group received the Go West Festivals Fund, granting $2.4 million to be invested in creative industries in the west suburbs.
  • $30,000 of funding for the development of Maribyrnong City Council’s Road Safety Strategy & Action Plan 2019-28 through the TAC Towards Zero Community Grants Program.
  • The intersections of Melbourne Road and Mason Street in Newport, Ferguson Street and Kororoit Creek Road in Williamstown and Dousa Road and Millers Road in Altona North were upgraded with sensors and high definition cameras to detect how many people are waiting at a crossing and adjust the crossing time accordingly – keeping pedestrians moving, and cutting idle time for motorists when crossings are quiet.
  • New laws implemented in April 2021 mean that road users need to keep 1 metre distance when passing cyclists if they are travelling under 60km/h, and 1.5 meters distance if travelling over 60km/h.
  • 20 kilometres of new pop-up bike lanes will connect shopping precincts and schools from Footscray to Yarraville.
  • $1.4 million jointly funded project with the Victorian and Australian Governments to upgrade the corner of Buckley and Victoria St in Seddon, including a fully controlled right-hand turn.
  • New and upgraded walking and cycling paths have been opened around Altona North, Brooklyn and Yarraville in Melbourne’s west – part of a network of more than
  •  14 km of paths that is being delivered through the West Gate Tunnel Project to help provide safety for bike riders away from the road.
  • The West Gate Tunnel Project has resulted in two new bridges connecting South Kingsville and Yarraville, and Brooklyn and Altona North over the West Gate Freeway. Both new bridges have replaced older bridges that had been in place since the 1970s. With improved lighting and ramps, each will be an important local landmark that will connect communities over the West Gate Freeway.

  • Sporting Club grants provide local clubs with funding for things such as new equipment, training courses and new uniforms. This program has seen grants totaling over $22,450 provided to local sporting clubs.
  • A $200,000 commitment as part of the master plan for Yarraville Oval. This will ensure that the facility can keep up with its increasing demand.
  • WLJ Crofts Reserve in Altona North and Donald McLean Reserve in Spotswood are being overhauled with funding from the Allan Labor Government as part of the West Gate Tunnel Project. This will include refurbished and realigned ovals, floodlighting, relocated and newly built cricket nets, and upgraded landscaping at Crofts Reserve.
  • Local rugby, soccer, football, netball and cricket in Williamstown and Newport now have some fantastic new sports facilities to call their own at Bayside College Paisley and Williamstown campuses.
  • $1.1 million from the Victorian Government went towards the Paisley Campus facility upgrades from the 2018-19 Community Sports Infrastructure Fund. The Victorian Government also provided $1.2 million towards the Williamstown Campus upgrades from the 2018-19 Community Sports Infrastructure Fund.
  • $11.3 million is being put towards the Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club for their clubhouse redevelopment, providing upgraded facilities to all who use the club rooms.
  • In 2022, Altona City Soccer Club received $300,000 for redevelopment at HC Kim Reserve. It involved the redevelopment of soccer pitch one, including drainage and irrigation and installation of irrigation to soccer pitches two and three. The Community Facilities Grant has aided in improving sporting facilities within the west by creating safer terrain to play on.
  • Through the Local Sports Infrastructure Fund in 2024, Leo Hoffman Reserve in Newport gained $80,000 for a new youth activity zone, and Altona Hockey Club received $220,000 for the pavilion redevelopment project at JK Grant Reserve.
  • $500,000 for a pop-up park in Yarraville Village as apart of the Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Package to help venues get back in business.
  • A grant of $17,707 for Spotswood Summer Sessions from the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund,  intended to aid in supporting local business by bringing visitors to the Spotswood area through community engagement and new summer activities at the start of 2025.