Friday, 24 January 2025
Member for Williamstown, Melissa Horne visited the group Coastal Rowing Williamstown (CReW) at their operating shed at Seaworks.
CReW is a community-based group that focuses on the rebuilding and rowing of St Ayles Skiff’s through the St Ayles Skiff Community Rowing Association of Australia.
The group was started by nine women and is still focused on empowering female members and participation.
The skiff arrives in a kit and must be assembled, teaching boat building and maintenance skills.
CReW raised funds from the Hobson’s Bay Council and the Outlets Co-operative to pay for their first kit.
The group finished and launched their first skiff in November 2019.
The skiff was named ‘Thursday’ as it had been built on Thursday evenings over the period of three years.
The group received $6,000 of funding from the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund to continue running sessions with women of all ages, cultures and abilities to build participation in rowing and connection for community members.
The sessions supported by the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund will be delivered as two large community rowing days in Hobsons Bay.
Quotes attributable to Member for Williamstown, Melissa Horne
‘Although I didn’t get the chance to try rowing myself, it was great to check the hard work of the St Ayles Williamstown Coastal Rowing Group. They built an entire boat from scratch—such an impressive achievement!
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